miércoles, 17 de julio de 2019

Vinski Podrum Istra, Hrvatska

Happy to announce the beggining of construction 
of my first project in Croatia.

It's the new facilities of Koquelicot wineries, produ-
cer of some of the finest sparkling wine in the area.

Located in the amazing Istra region, with traces of 
history dating way beyond Roman times, and some 
of the most beautiful places in Europe, the project 
has undergone several concept design stages to 
meet local regulations and communal approvals. 

Here´s some images of the conceptual design phase 
where the "accomodation" to local building codes can 
be appreciated.
The result resembles a Chilean country estate, which 
in turn resembles a Roman villa in the Palladian style. 
Istra, was once part of the Roman Empire, and was 
later annexed of  the Venetian Republic. 
So it's like coming full circle.

Concept design I and II. Too modernist for the town council.

Concept design III. Mandatory sloping roof. 

Concept Design IV: Covered corridors and a large terrace above.

Approved Construction Drawings!. Credits: Architect Dalibor Pjevic

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